Review of Mum & Dad

Mum & Dad (2008)
Very poor
23 April 2009
I was really looking forward to seeing this after reading some of the reviews on here, finally watched it last night and all I can say is that I nearly turned it off several times and at the end I wished I had as I could have been watching something decent instead! The acting in all fairness is between good and excellent at times, its just the story is very weak - no justification for anything that happens - I have read on here its based on Fred and Rose west but there is nothing really to indicate that in any great depth other than its based around a pair of psychotic parents.

I enjoyed Saw and the rest of the films in that series although not as good are all better than this, Hostel is probably one of the worst films I have sat through - I am not squeamish and love a great horror film but I do like to actually have some semblance of a plot to go with the gore - this is more gore for gore's sake in the vein of Hostel than something clever (yeah yeah Saw ain't gonna win an Oscar but at least it had a plot and some twists)with gore added into the mix, this is closer to Hostel than Saw by a mile, when it ended I really did think I wonder what all the fuss was about - OK its shot on a cheap budget which does show at times, the special effects are very good in fairness, its just the whole thing was written on the back of a fag packet.......

1/10 because I am sick of being disappointed by films that really are a waste of time. Great acting. Awful film.
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