Stephen Chow delivers the laughs, but the movie is just average
26 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Stephen Chow stars as a young judge who allows himself to be pushed around. He gets offerred a bribe to let someone free, but it turns out he was being tricked and loses his spot as a judge. Now he has to work for a brothel as a gigilo and ends up learning talking kung fu from Ada Choi. He ends up being named the supreme judge and shows that he can argue with even the best of lawyers.

This is not a great movie or anything, but it is a lot of fun. Stephen Chow has a few brilliant comedic moments, but there is just too much time filler. The problem with Stephen Chow movies is that they rarely feel original. There are a few that stand out, but most of the time Chow plays someone who starts out rich, turns poor, then has to fight his way back to the top. Another thing that is the same is that Ng Man Tat always stars alongside Chow, and Cheung Man always plays his love interest. But luckily they come up with a few new things. Ada Choi is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and she has a great role as the mistress of the brothel. The ending is a hilarious sequence in the courtroom and only Stephen Chow can deliver huge laughs in a mindless movie like this.
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