One of Jackie's greatest achievements.
11 June 2009
The fights may look robotic in a way and the comedy is sometimes overacted but this stunt actually brought this movie into recognition.

A young Jackie Chan displays his skills here fluidly and his cheeky character is well played. The story fits well with the character, although it is nothing new even at that time and somewhat redundant if you come to your senses, that is if you can. This film barely gives you time to think as one fighting scene leads to another and the next thing you know you're already watching the final fight.

Yuen Woo Ping makes alibis for every action sequence by having Fei Hung walk into situations and starting a fight. It's not a deduction in my criteria, in fact I find it amusing how come up with these things.

The characters in the film are in no way uninteresting either. From the supporting actors to the main cast they deliver the effect that is needed for a particular scene. The only problem I had with this was that Fei Hung's aunt should have played a bigger role in Fei Hung's lessons. Maybe she could have made an appearance at the climax.

Jackie really showed a lot of promise in this movie and look at him during the 80's and 90's. It's just sad to see him doing mediocre-rated movies nowadays.
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