Review of Riot

Riot (1996)
PM Entertainment and Gary Daniels......what more could you ask for?
1 July 2009
Yes, it's time for yet more mayhem from those ever dependable guys at PM Entertainment. This typically fun entry stars Gary Daniels as an SAS soldier who is enlisted to rescue the (very beautiful) daughter of the UK ambassador who has been seized hostage by a group amidst the chaos of an urban riot. As it turns out a) the daughter is also our mans love interest (wow! - what a coincidence eh?!) and b) the miscreants who have taken her are actually secretly employed by an IRA faction who have specifically targeted her in order to lure our hero into their sinister trap (wow! - Now if that's not a ridiculously convoluted plot then I don't know what is!) Of course when one sits to watch a PM Entertainment flick one must immediately disregard the concept of intelligent plotting however, rather one should simply switch off ones disbelief, relax and enjoy the ensuing plethora of crazy stunts and action set pieces. Sure enough, director Joseph Merhi doesn't disappoint and delivers some spectacular action goodies here including a particularly dangerous looking sequence involving a group of bikers attacking our hero.

Special mention also to the presence of former world boxing champ, Sugar Ray Leonard who shows that he's still as nifty as ever with those fists of his; His acting, that's quite another story.....
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