Just like Fox to cancel good shows and keep the bad ones
27 July 2009
It so typical of FOX to cancel good shows and keep the bad ones and any network that is syndicated such as NBC, CBS and especially CBS who is losing the the syndication rating wars followed closely by FOX.

FOX let a good show like this over American Dad, Don't Forget the Lyrics, King of the Hill and other trash in there line up and axed this great show give me a break. The kicker is a similar show call supernatural which is based on the same principal is a smash hit but it took a few seasons before it really took off. Which goes to show you that Fox axed this show far too soon.

Let's face it folks the world was ready for a show like this because TV has become so dull with the shove down your throats reality TV that anything that is different from that genre is a welcome event. If FOX actually cared for it's views it would of brought it back seeing the huge campaign that was started yet there response was to give us are you smarter than a fifth grader. If anything the people running syndication TV aren't smarter than a fifth grader. So please if anyone at FOX reads this listen to what the viewers want and give up reality TV it time has come and gone for good.
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