Review of Four O'Clock

Suspicion: Four O'Clock (1957)
Season 1, Episode 1
If you read the Plot Summary you are in for a SPOILER!
29 July 2009
Whoever wrote the plot summary blew it majorily big time. He not only gives the plot summary, but he summarizes the entire movie down to about 8 sentences thereby ruining it totally for anyone who wanted to watch it.

I would make this comment shorter, but if I do, then the IMDb thingy will throw it all out. Since I couldn't find a place to click to report this major spoiler, I am writing about it here.

While I'm on the subject, I think it would be really useful to have a "spoiler alert" button we can push. I was very interested in watching a certain movie a couple of years ago and came to IMDb to check out the plot summary. Again, in the "Comments" section, some bozo had written out the best parts of the film and then ended it by saying something like, "And the main point of the suspense in this movie is to make you believe it's based on a true story. Well, it's all fiction, folks. None of it is true. It was just made this way to get you excited." Result? I was very very excited. So excited that I reported that stupidity at the time, but now can't find anywhere to report to. Maybe I'm just having a "blond" moment here and it's in plain sight. In such a case, please excuse me.
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