3 August 2009
This documentary by Eric Drath is about a fight between Luis Resto and Billy Collins. Resto was a fighter with a middling record while Collins was on the path to an eventual title. The fight itself has been mired in controversy ever since, as it was found that a significant amount of the padding from Resto's gloves had been removed prior to the fight. This caused Resto's punches to be more like bare knuckled shots. You don't much like most of the people in this documentary, especially Panama Louis, who allegedly was the mastermind of this. Still, this film is compelling as a morality tale. Neither boxer ended up gaining anything, which is part of the moral. I don't usually watch sports docs but this one, especially about something I didn't know about, but I was intrigued by the characters in this film. The truth is stranger than fiction? You can count on it.
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