Impact (2009)
I enjoyed it...
2 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Impact is a great entertainment and a clever show with a cool premise - the moon hitting the planet like someone here said. And its much more than that, we have meteorites, a brown dwarf, mysterious anomalies on earth, lots of theoretical and practical discussion about gravity and electromagnetism...etc

For the people who are questioning the science in this show here we go:

1-In our reality there are a lot of theories... lots of them can not be proved (in practice)... the movie just explores that (its

2-(CONTAINS SPOILER) Bigger mass means the Gravity force will be larger, so more attraction between two objects... that is why in this series, the moon become closer to the Earth... the immense mass from the brown dwarf (in that particular dwarf, or part of one, the mass is two times bigger than the earth) that collided to the moon allowed that situation...

3-The awesome Electromagnetic power level (also derived from the impact between the moon and the dwarf) explains the electrical problems and why people or objects started to "fly"!! in the series they said the energy levels are so big, that not only metal objects flout but also humans and animals... since we have the same electromagnetic energy, people also start to levitate.... the authors are not confused about this two forces (gravity and electromagnetic energy) you guys think they do not ask the opinions to real astrophysicists or Astronomers, like someone here said, they not??? common... the basic stuff is correct... yes we can doubt some things like some effects produced by this new situation or for example the equipment they used to fight the probably do not exist, but who knows??.. there are so many secrets in the government!! (END SPOILER)

I mean, here we have a good science fiction movie with a good script where we can actually learn about something and think about others subjects, interesting characters, reasonable acting, decent special effects (for a TV show), lots of mystery and speculation about what the hell is happening ... is really in that way or not??... its a situation that never happened.. and it can be possible or not??... that is the magic about science fiction.. what if?!!!!

I know there are better sci-fi shows, but this is a disaster flick, and everything that it is needed to be discussed in this mini-series is referred, along with the emotional response to the situations... this is not a philosophical debate about existence or a movie about the secrets of the universe... what do you haters want?? Common... give it more respect..

For the ones who really enjoy this type of entertainment, go ahead and watch it... 7 stars
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