Review of Blood Link

Blood Link (1982)
Worth seeing for the Moriarty oddness
7 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Dr. Craig Mannings (Michael Moriarty) believes he has discovered a revolutionary psychology technique and has been using himself as the guinea pig. Unfortunately, these experiments allow Mannings to see through the eyes of someone else and that person is murdering folks. Turns out he is seeing through the eyes of Keith (Moriarty again), his Siamese twin that Craig believed was dead. Using clues from his visions, Craig tracks Keith to Germany but soon finds out that his brother wants him there to create the perfect patsy for his crimes.

Alberto De Martino directed this Italian/German co-production. While you won't get anything original with the plot of normal twin/evil twin, it is worth seeing solely for the performances by Moriarty. Moriarty has the "normal" sibling as slightly odd, while the "evil" one is like he is playing Klaus Kinski on a good day. The scenes of them interacting are particularly enjoyable. Also worth mentioning is a scene where the evil Keith gleefully punches an aging boxer (Cameron Mitchell) - who just happened to have been treated by Craig in the States - to death in a park. Moriarty is clearly having fun throughout the picture (or is slightly intoxicated).

Sadly, the rest of the film isn't up to the level of Moriarty's enthusiasm. De Martino reveals the twin twist way too early and with all the dazzle of a kid's party magician. Also, the plot is full of holes and silly coincidences (odds of your unknown twin running into a patient you treated in a cafe in Germany?) that, at times, make you feel like a reel was left out. The ending - where Craig's woman is in danger - could have been a suspenseful game of cat-and-mouse but unfolds with a thud. On the plus side, there is some nice location work in Berlin and a nice Morricone score.
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