Flying Tigers (1942)
Possibly the Worst Film of All Time
12 September 2009
I am serious. Words cannot describe just how bad this movie is. You have to see it to believe it! But I don't suggest renting or buying this at all. I am NOT a John Wayne fan. He always gets on my nerves- But- I just so happened to catch this while watching television with my Grandfather some years ago. I will never forget how miserable I was and how much I wanted RUN out of the room. No joking. I almost had an anxiety attack! I just wanted to run away and you know its bad if I was willing to give up quality time with my Grandad. That's something I never give up on. But..well..

Terrible acting all around. The plane scenes are some of the most boring scenes in cinematic history. You sit there thinking: "When will this end?! How long have they been up in the frigging air?!" John Wayne was a terrible actor but this was the worst film he ever attempted. I just know it will either put you to sleep or it will make you want to shoot your own television. Please believe me. And in case you're wondering- No- my grandfather didn't like the film either. 1 star....if it deserves THAT!
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