Amar te duele (2002)
Love Hurts? No, Watching It Hurts
19 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so a lot of people have been claiming that this film is either trash or a great movie. Truth is, it's neither. It's basically a typical Mexican soap opera with a tragic twist at the ending, that was more predictable than anything. It could have been much better except it fell in a copy of a soap opera theme that has been done over 100,000 times in Mexico and a rip off of Baz Lurhmanns vision of Romeo and Juliet.

Two teens, one poor and the other rich, fall in love and must fight against their social classes in order to be together. They meet at a mall and after a bet that Renata (girl) makes with her friends, that she wont kiss a poor guy (Ulises), she does and thanks to that kiss, they fall in love. This was an OK idea to incorporate, what was a bad one, was the scenes that followed that kiss. For starters, we see Ulises following her around throughout the whole mall, and when he approaches her, what does he do? Talk to her? No, he STARES at her. Right in front of her face, just stares. Like a creepy idiot that doesn't know what to do, yet she finds this attractive. Here, they tried to pull off what Lurhmann did in the fish tank scene, even having both Ulises and Renata look at each other through a glass window. There is only one major problem with this. The only reason why Romeo did not talk to Juliet in that scene was because there was a transparent WALL in between them. Anyways, this romance causes a lot of problems for both teens, mainly being the one that there's absolutely no chemistry in between both actors. There's two nude scenes, one is acceptable, the other really isn't, which one could easily tell they were inserted to the film for the sole reason of keeping the male audience entertained, because the love story is actually pretty lame.

One of the things that really helps this film is the acting of the main characters. I really liked the directors daughter's performance, because believe it or not, 98% of the high class and high class wannabe's actually do act like that (well, maybe except for the part of the alcoholism). Most of the movie falls in cliché, but the humor does save it every now and then. If you really like the cheesy love films, then this is for you. If you're looking for the next The Notebook, I would recommend you go look somewhere else. While yes, everyone knows that this is another version of Romeo and Juliet, not everyone knows that its a version of Baz Lurhmanns 1996 version. Even the cover art really gives it away, with that sacred heart look a like heart that completely rips off Lurhmanns movie art.
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