It's really fair to rate this one--it was meant as a giant ad!
29 September 2009
This was a promotional film made for the petroleum industry for the 1939 World's Fair and not originally intended to be shown in theaters--though it later was. So, giving it a score isn't really fair. It did do what was intended--present the oil folks a giant slobbering kiss--telling everyone how amazingly fantastically marvelously wonderful oil was! Sadly, however, the film really is dreadful to watch, as the stop-motion, while at first interesting, becomes very, very dry as the film progresses. After all, how many little speeches by oil drops or suntan lotion can we see and hear before we just want to gouge out our eyes and ears?! Even more sad is the one review that talks about how this commercial was distributed to schools--to torture the kids and make them love oil. Now I am NOT one of these anti-oil folks--I know we need it and it's been one of the greatest blessings of the last 100 years. But to watch this film to it's conclusion--that's too much to ask.

So why, then, if it's so craptastic did I see it? Well, it came with the wonderful "Charley Bowers Collection" and is definitely one of his lesser stop-motion films. And, since I am willing to take the good with the bad, here I am watching the bad! Overall, it's interesting to see the stop-motion work but that is really all there is worth seeing. Heck, you can just watch a minute or two and stop--you'll be doing yourself a favor.
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