Great atmosphere and zombies, shame about the DVD
12 October 2009
Entertaining little Spanish supernatural thriller that features Paul Nashcy in a pivotal supporting role. Serge Chekov (Stelvio Rosi) rushes to the country after his Uncle's untimely death. Immediately upon arrival, Serge stumbles upon the hanging body of his cousin by the graveyard. This makes the local police doubly suspicious of his appearance because, with his cousin's death, Serge is now the sole beneficiary of his Uncle's estate. This mystery in this one won't blow your mind open, but the film has enough mood to compensate. Director José Luis Merino gets a lot of use out of the atmospheric village he shoots in and some cool underground tunnels. There is also some great make-up for the dead in this film. On the DVD, Naschy is interviewed and states how he did an uncredited rewrite on the film, making his grave digger character more interesting. Anyone spoiled by the BCI Naschy discs will be disappointed in Troma's fullscreen transfer with only an English dub track option. On the plus side, this is apparently the longest cut of the film available.
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