Zerophilia (2005)
Seriously funny
13 October 2009
I saw ZEROPHILIA on Showtime last night; and, I found it to be is a very unusual and unique comedy, to say the least.

First off, the cast is wonderful and each character is likable. That's only because the acting was so exceptional. Taylor Handley as Luke; and, Marieh Delfino as Luka really pulled this one off. They look enough alike; but, it's the attitude, mannerisms and gestures that really work.

Also, Rebecca Mozo as Michelle and Kyle Schmid as Max are excellent foils to our hero/heroine. In addition, I was absolutely thrilled to see Gina Bellmen (of Coupling fame) in her role as Dr. Sydney – WOW, what a performance!

ZEROPHILIA is easy-going and non-judgmentally in its presentation of gender roles – I mean just look at the title sequence, "Microangelo Entertainment" and "Scambled Egg Productions" – these guys aren't taking themselves too seriously.
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