You either like this kind of thing, or you have taste.
17 November 2009
With a little (and I mean 'little') help from his assistant Bob (Ed Gale), mad scientist Ralph Willum (Don Calfa) has created a zombie workforce to toil in his mines. When the undead escape from their confines, and not only threaten the townsfolk but also a bus-load of blind orphans, The Cycle Sluts—an all-female gang of bikers—tool up and kick zombie ass.

Chopper Chicks In Zombie Town is a fairly typical slice of late-80s garbage from Troma, where once again it seems as though more effort went into thinking up the title than in making the actual film.

Rather than an awesome, action-packed tale featuring scorching hot, leather clad babes unleashing gory hell on legions of the undead (which would be very cool), writer/director Dan Hoskins gives viewers a rather motley gang of big-haired greaser chicks who spend more time bickering amongst themselves, having casual sex, randomly breaking into song (the Cycle Sluts' lesbian leader Rox, played by Catherine Carlen, performs an impromptu number), and arguing with small-minded locals than they do actually fighting zombies.

As is the case with most Troma flicks, the script is absolutely dire, the characterisation non-existent, the special effects cheap and nasty, and the acting third rate (even from the film's 'star', Billy Bob Thornton). Furthermore, there is a dreadfully irritating comedy soundtrack that accompanies the zombies (a nod towards Dawn of the Dead's mall music, perhaps, but still very annoying). And if all of that isn't enough to deter you from watching this dreck, then the sight of Don Calfa's bare ass should do the trick!

If you're already a fan of Troma's output, you might as well ignore this comment: you're a lost cause. However, if you're a casual trash-movie fan finding yourself tempted by the outrageous title, be warned: watching this kind of stuff can do more damage to your brain than a hungry zombie.
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