There is no way this film is accidentally this bad.
22 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Things I asked myself while watching this turd:

1. "Why is a military weapons project headquartered in what is obviously a water or waste-water treatment plant?"

2. "Why, if they were simply transporting to Germany, did they have assault rifles with them? And if they thought they needed assault rifles, why didn't they bring lots of ammo?

3. "Why are they all wearing wife-beaters?"

4. "If they were 'professional soldiers', why did the first one to see the T-Rex just start firing her weapon without actually aiming it?"

5. "Why couldn't the spider get to the girl in the hole under the log, when it had obviously placed the "cocooned" soldier there after it had wrapped her up in its web?"

6. "Why, when they found a spider web that 'must have been created by a spider 7 feet in diameter', did they not turn around AND LEAVE"?

7.a "Christa, Christa, it's Emily. Can you hear me?"

7.b "Emily? Is that you?"

8. "Wow.. it was fortunate that someone had the foresight to make it possible to detach the reactor with a single rocker switch so they could jettison it when the magma animal bit into it."

9. "The 'DD' comes out of the volcano in the sky... so why doesn't any magma fall out after it?"

10. "A laser cannon. Seriously? A laser cannon? And from the hip she manages to hit the spider right in the kill spot on the first shot?"

And the acting... yeesh. I expected a lesbian orgy to break out at any moment.

All in all, the best part of this movie was when the silhouette of the baby spider can be seen climbing on their gear... because that was, thankfully, the end of this waste of cellulose.
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