Steven Seagal: Lawman (2009–2014)
Standard reality TV format meets COPs
10 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
As a long time fan of Seagal, living in a house where we quote Under Siege all the time and watch his other movies whenever they come on I felt I had to leave a honest review. If anything, hopefully Seagal will read this and make some much needed changes to the show. I loved the idea of the show, and they sure promoted it well, but the execution/editing was just plain terrible.

After watching the first four episodes, all I can say is for me they were barely watchable. The police "chases" and "stops" if you can even call them that are barely believable and almost seem staged. In one of the episodes they pull up to a group of black kids just hangin out and completely racially profile them. Seagal talked like they were possibly "selling drugs" when in fact at the end of the scene the only thing they found was one of the kids had some outstanding traffic violations or was completely ridiculous. Most of the other interactions with "suspects" pretty much go the same way, and in the one episode before the commercial last night they make it seem like they are about to go into a car chase and really the guy just finished the right turn he already had started and pulled right over. Turns out the guy was not drunk, or anything, but did have some warrant out for not paying child support. To top it off out of the couple stops/checks whatever these guys are doing in four episodes I think only 2 real arrests were made...but to make those arrests they had to call in the real cops to finish the job. LAME.

To make it worse Seagal tries to add some Full House storybook ending to each street scene in hopes he's helping these people when really he is just embarrassing them and himself on national TV. Most of the time at the end of these scenes the people around who were not suspects are joking about it being Seagal and getting autographs (I don't think any of them actually wanted or got one though). My other gripe with the show, and some police in general, is that the whole crew he works with look like they sit around drinking beer all day and eating donuts (pun intended).

I mean, if you are about to be on TV for any show, especially one like this, why not hit the gym for a few months? Sorry Ryback but you look tired man, and very out of shape. I am sure you could still hold your own in a real fight, but it is not surprising you have 2 guard dogs for your house. If you want to improve this show and give it any chance of not getting cut very soon, I say get away from the hardly believable street scenes (just watch COPs, those are what people want to see) and stick to the training/information stuff. Also cut out the music/editing that makes the flow of the show go more like a Real World episode then what you are trying to promote it as (which I thought was going to be a bada$$ cop show with Seagal kickin some teeth in once in a while).

The best hopes I have for this show right now is to create some sort of drinking game out of it, but after giving it a fair chance I doubt it will last very long on TV unless they make some major changes fast. At the end of each episode so far all I could think was "what kind of babbling bull$hit is this???".
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