I'll b back: When It's all over.
20 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Espionage movie that takes place in the closing months of WWII in Europe that has everyone's idea of the all-Amerian cowboy Gary Cooper play top nuclear physicist, in the class of a Prof.Robert J. Oppenheimer, Midwestern University Prof. Alvah Jesper. Prof. Jesper is recruited into the the super secret US spy agency the OSS by his good friend from collage Col Walsh, James Falvin, to find out just were the Nazis are in their experiments in nuclear fission.

Given cover with new name and profession as a jewelry salesman Jesper is sent to Zürich Switzerland to get in contact with his mentor, who thought he everything about nuclear psychics, Dr. Katerin Lodor, Helen Thimic. Dr. Lodor has escaped from Nazi Germany through the dangerous Swiss Alps and is now recuperating from a bad case of pneumonia in a Zürich hospital.

Lodor who was the top man, or in her case woman, in the Nazi nuclear project has now second thoughts of helping the allies in that the Nazis have threatened to shoot 10 fellow anti-Fachist Hungarians every day she stays in exile. This all is alleviated for Dr. Lodor by her getting kidnapped and murdered by the Nazi, or their agents, before she can help the allies with her knowledge of nuclear psychics. Just when the movie starts to lag it's then decided by Jesper's bosses in the OSS for his to be smuggled in Fascist controlled Italy to help get out the Italian top nuclear physicist a Dr. Giovanni Polda, Vladimir Sokolff, who despite working for the Mussolini regime in public hates its guts with a white-hot passion in private.

Getting in contact with a number of anti-Fascist Italian partisans that includes the gun toting and dead eyed Gina, Lili Palmer, and her though as nails comrade in arms Pinkie, Robert Alda, Jesper plans to sneak Dr. Polda out of the country to the safety of the UK but the Doc isn't all that interested to leave. It's not that the wimpy and scared of his shadow Dr. Polda likes the Nazis and Italian Fascist's but in that their holding his daughter Marie hostage and would kill her if he ever checked out of Italy!

***SPOILERS*** Gary Cooper as Prof. Jester who's nothing but as dull as dishwater for the first half of the movie comes alive in slugging it out with the hated Nazis with them, who outnumbered him as his fellow Nazi fighters by as much as 50 to 1, ending up getting the worst of it! Jesper not only gets Dr. Polda out of the country with an RAF passenger plane but also gets the girl Gina, who wanted to stay in Italy and fight the Nazi-Fascist's, to also leave the country along with him. In the end it's we, the good guys, not the Nazis who got the bomb and also got a chance to use it. Not on Nazi Germany who had since surrendered to the allies but its ally Japan thus putting an end to the Second World War.

P.S Even though the movie "Cloke & Dagger" was originally meant, by its director Fritz Lange, to be a very anti-nuclear and anti-war arms movie the ending was changed by the time it was released in September 1946. By then the US was engaged in the Cold War with it's former major WWII ally the Soviet Union and being against the production and use of nuclear weapons, or as their now called WMD, was considered to be very unpatriotic at that time. That with the US-not USSR-being the only country on earth who had an was, like in the case of nuking Japan, more then willing to use them!
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