A Ghost Story for Christmas: The Signalman (1976)
Season 6, Episode 1
GHOST STORY FOR Christmas: THE SIGNALMAN (Lawrence Gordon Clark, 1976) ***
23 January 2010
One of the most famous entries in this series is actually based on a short story by Charles Dickens and features Denholm Elliot (who is excellent in the title role, a haunted train station attendant). A younger man – who eerily greets the signalman in the manner of his visions! – naturally becomes interested in Elliot's plight and the latter recounts how the ghostly apparition of an eyeless(!) old man would precede tragedies occurring at his post – a train wreck inside a tunnel and even a bride leaping from a train window to her death. The final instance of Elliot's second-sight is most ironic, though it will not surprise anyone familiar with Nicolas Roeg's DON'T LOOK NOW (1973; itself a literary adaptation from the work of a famous author i.e. Daphne Du Maurier).
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