Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003)
Way, way ahead of its time
31 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Being the intellectual TV snob that I am, I always maintained that any show with the name Buffy, the Vampire Slayer must be total crap, not worthy of anyone's time and certainly far below me. Then one New Year's Day it was starting over from the first episode on FX and I decided to tune in just to see what it was like. By the end of the first episode I was hopelessly hooked and have been a huge fan every since. I have long since repented my snobby mistake.

Buffy had some of the most original and witty plot lines ever seen on TV and a cast that never let you down. The writers were extremely educated people who made use of all sorts of different mythologies and literary references are rife throughout the series. I even made up a tape of literary allusions from my taped video copies to show to my students to demonstrate the concept. I also shows Innocence to my seniors studying Dracula to contrast and compare vampires in modern day literature.

It may not have had the highest ratings, it may be gone for the last seven years and maybe some people think Buffy had an annoying voice, but I always thought it was true to the idea of teenage angst and early adulthood and I adored Sarah Michelle in her role. Nothing on TV now even comes close to the intelligence of this show.
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