A riotously funny, clean, entertaining musical, comedy and romance
18 February 2010
This is a well-crafted musical, comedy and romance. It has an excellent selection of tunes and dance numbers. Jane Powell, Ann Sothern, Carmen Miranda and Louis Calhern all shine in their roles and musical performances. And Barry Sullivan gives an incomparable performance as he becomes immersed in the major comedy ploy of the film.

"Nancy Goes to Rio" is a great piece of entertainment, from the music to the cast and acting, to the plot and humor. I can't spoil this — but the major humorous ploy somewhat into the film is so funny, I laughed out loud so hard that I had to stop the film and replay the DVD — and that happened several times as the ploy continued to develop through the rest of the film. I've not had that experience very often over the years with movies. Thinking about it afterward, I realized how well written and scripted this movie was to be able to carry on the comedy subplot so well for so long in the movie.

The acting, singing, sets and script are all tremendous, and the very straight-faced hilarity just puts this film over the top. The color in the film is brilliant and solid, and the film quality is excellent for a 1950 movie. This was before the time of shooting on locations, but the stage sets for Rio locales and skyline were quite good and added to the film.

I don't recall ever having seen this movie until I recently bought it to view and decide if I wanted to add it to my collection of musicals. I don't know how I missed it in the past, but I was happily surprised that I found this film. It's a true gem.

Obviously not many folks have seen this film, from the low number of comments; so, it may not have made the TV movie reruns over the years. But if you enjoy good movies and like musicals and quality humor and entertainment, you won't want to miss renting or buying this film. I highly recommend "Nancy Goes to Rio" as a fun film for young and old alike. It just leaves one with a warm feeling of satisfaction at having seen something very funny, endearing and wonderful.
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