Review of Hijack

Hijack (2008)
Poor !
30 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"Interesting" is a word that got no relation whatsoever to this movie. Wanna know why. Stick around..

Mr. (Shiny Ahuja) has NOTHING to be a lead of an action movie, or rather a movie. The guy got zero charisma, zero acting talent, and zero fighting capacities; to tell you the truth, I was wishing him murdered for all the time! Undoubtedly he was the most boring factor in here, since being angry, sad, happy all by the same dead face. He seemed on drugs or lacking so much sleep, wanting his job done anyway, anyhow. And by the way, according to the way he looks, I'm sure he has anemia!

The plot wasn't that bad, but why the shameful stealing from (Passenger 57 - 1992), and (Executive Decision - 1996)??!!! Some points bugged me very, such as: the scenes of the helpless ministers yakking and yakking and yakking forever, or how that ex-pilot learned all of these tricks which he pulled off against the baddies?? (the script could have made him a S.W.A.T instead!), or how the killings were extremely absurd; giving us a time to laugh more than feeling a fear. For little instance, the opportunist politician, who wanted to serve the terrorists for his own agenda, has been killed so dumbly by the terrorists in the time that he could have been useful for them even if on short-range!

The direction couldn't embody any kind of excitement AT ALL. The cadres got nothing to express, while it's supposed to be a thrilling action that takes place in its actual time. The atmosphere was mostly spiritless. Let alone the purely naive dealing with many matters like how some of the hijackers looked so idiot while walking and talking, how the airport's tower was having one constant cloudy image all along (it's awful back-projection!), how the plane takes off at the end; did you see a plane that takes off in nearly half an hour?!! And when the last fight between the lead and the main terrorist was shot in continuous rotating, I was laughing my head off, saying to myself; OK, this movie has nearly the wrong way to do everything!

There was some good sad song in the middle; thank God it didn't tend to make a dancing number through a flashback of one of the terrorists! Plus the presence of (Esha Deol), only her presence, since she was wholly wasted and irritatingly unused. But on the contrary, everything, from the budget to the twists to the fistfights to the CGI, was real poor. And when it shows before the closing credits boards about the history of planes' hijacking, I was sorry for a movie that couldn't achieve its basic mission (the enjoyable action), to beg any concern by adopting another mission (being a message movie!).

I was astonished when I found *strange* reviews that got the nerve to compare (Die Hard 2 - 1990) to (Hijack)?? It's like comparing Sidney Poitier to Chris Rock! For being merciful, I may go and compare it to Jim Wynorski's (Crash Landing - 2005), and in this case, just this case, (Hijack) will find something to top! It is nothing but another B movie; small, little campy, and generally not interesting. I believe all the movie's problems are related to the fact that (Kunal Shivdasani) is the one who wrote, directed, produced, and edited it single-handedly, in the first time he does any of that as well!

Still, what could be its brutal side is the fact of its long running time. It's just inhuman to follow (Shiny Ahuja) doing anything for 2 seconds, so how about 2 HOURS!!!
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