Comedy, Song and Dance, and Romance - what's not to like?
12 April 2010
Most actors and performers excel in one field, with maybe a second very good talent. Bing Crosby could croon, and add a little tap or soft shoe. Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly could hoof up a storm, and often add a tune or melody. Frank Sinatra and others could sing, or play dramatic roles in films. Bob Hope and many other comics could toss in a little shuffle and/or tune with their comedy.

But, once in a while, a multi-talent comes along - like Danny Kaye. He could sing and dance, cavort and crack tongue-twisters, play it straight, and just put life and zest into a film. Movie goers since the mid-20th century have seen Kaye perform some or many of his talents in various movies. He displays them all here, in "On the Riviera." The plot in this film wasn't new or intriguing for then or now, but it was just the right venue to allow Kaye to show us his many talents.

Kaye's performance in a double role (impersonation) is far and away above that by actors in any other film (see Maurice Chevalier in "Folies Bergere de Paris," Yves Montand in "Let's Make Love," and Don Ameche in "That Night in Rio"). His comedic exchanges in this film are crisp as ever, and he shines in all his song and dance numbers, four of which were written and composed by his wife, Sylvia Fine, for this show. One particularly creative routine, "Popo the Puppet," lets Kaye show his exceptional physical versatility and talent as a dancer.

This isn't the best of Kaye's outright solo lead comedies. That honor belongs to "Knock on Wood" of 1954. In that, he had three major scenarios of tongue-twisters, long stretches of running funny dialog, and a number of superb disguises and impersonations that are hilarious. But "On the Riviera" is guaranteed to please anyone who has a funny bone to tickle.

One of the great attributes of the talented Danny Kaye was his ability to bring out the best in his co-stars and fellow performers. That shows as well in the performances of all the fine cast in this film. What a great performer and entertainer this man was - and global humanitarian as well. What great fun and enjoyment for those of us who love all these aspects of entertainment.

I didn't always recognize the greatness of Kaye's talent. In my younger years, I liked the more manly figures or accomplished voices in films. But as I watch films not seen for decades, and as I look for the best of the music and musicals for my family film library, I see Kaye as the much bigger all around talent - and top entertainer - that he was.

If you like great entertainment with song, dance, comedy and romance, you'll love "On the Riviera."
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