Inspiring, but a bit boring too...
28 April 2010
Anyone who gets of their backside and makes a film should be applauded. The couple that made this obviously put their heart and soul into it. However, it's not always effort that breeds greatness. This film starts really well - the opening scenes suck you in and you want to know more - but after that it becomes banal quite quickly. 20 somethings worrying about their life, direction and relationships is a often used plot point.. but here it 'is' the plot. The film has the usual micro-budget tell tale signs. Some dodgy camera work, some 'not quite on the money' acting and some quality issues. But, overall, it works in the context of a slice of life in the myspace/facebook revolution.

I'd put money on Crumley and co making something big at some point in the future, but this is a public airing of their education really.

Well worth a watch, but don't expect a film with this kind of budget to compete with Hollywood.
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