True North (II) (2006)
31 May 2010
Beautifully shot and scripted, this gripping human drama is one of the best British films I've seen in recent years.

Two of a four-man crew on a Scottish fishing trawler on the verge of bankruptcy decide to traffic a group of Chinese immigrants in their hold; the young first mate (Martin Compston) keeps this highly illegal transaction secret from his proud father and boat's captain (Gary Lewis), but hopes it should go a long way to balancing the books. Meanwhile the dodgy crew member (Peter Mullan), who persuaded him to do the deed in the first place, gradually starts to develop a conscience as he witnesses the worsening degradation of the people slowly dying in the bowels of their vessel. Meanwhile sexually confused cook (Steven Robertson) helps the young pre-teen girl (Angel Li, on her debut) who is driven by desperation to steal out of the fetid, watery hold to his galley.

The five principals are utterly compelling throughout, making the unflinching honesty of the story as it moves towards its inexorable destination so completely believable. On one level it is the kind of human suffering as old as mankind itself, while also reflecting the consequences as the pitiless expansion of modern global capitalism continues unchecked.

Despite being a) Scottish and b) a bit of a buff for independent film, I had never even heard of this film when my 17-year old son & I came across it by accident on BBC late one night. It is a superb piece of work from all concerned and a genuinely moving experience. I can only assume the lack of big studio, big names and big budget (along with a quite forgettable, unhelpful title) conspired to ensure this memorable film didn't get a wider audience or praise. A great shame, but seek it out - you won't be disappointed.
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