The Twilight Zone: The Bard (1963)
Season 4, Episode 18
This one single-handedly killed the hour-long format!!
11 June 2010
I don't think it's any coincidence that this was the last of the hour-long episodes of "The Twilight Zone"--an experiment tested in the fourth season. While some of the episodes this season were poor, there were some gems as well. Sadly, "The Bard" is as far from being a gem as you can find. In fact, I suspect that this episode was saved for last because the producers knew darn well it was a bad show. But, since at this point they knew the series would return to its original half-hour format, "The Bard" couldn't do that much harm! Frankly, I think they should have just kept this turkey on the shelf!

Jack Weston plays Julius Moomer--the world's worst writer. You see him in an agents office pitching one horrible idea after another--all devoid of originality and consisting of nothing but clichés. Later, he discovers a book of magic (or, rather, it discovers him) and uses it to eventually bring William Shakespeare to the present to write for him! While this very, very goofy idea isn't that a bad basis for the show in a comedy anthology, how Moomer is played is just excruciating and the show just isn't appropriate to "The Twilight Zone". Part of it must be blamed on bad writing, part on Weston's over-acting and part on the show's director who did nothing to encourage a realistic portrayal. Simply put, a slightly more subdued performance would have helped immensely--as the show has all the subtlety of a 2x4 upside your head!! My wife and I sat in pure agony watching this mess of a portrayal. And, if it WAS to be on "The Twilight Zone", it should have been dramatically changed in tone.

Weston's over-the-top characterization isn't helped by the sensibilities throughout the show. When odd things happen, there are comical sound effects as well as silly music--like this show was scored by some vaudeville stage hands and band! It tended to telegraph everything and removed any possibility of subtlety or style. And, the fact that many of the people in the show are caricatures sinks the entire production.

Painful, unfunny and awful. There just isn't much to recommend this bilious mess. And, incidentally, the other two reviews for this show (so far) both gave it a 10. Wow.
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