Shivery ghost story...perhaps too complexly-plotted to be truly scary
1 July 2010
Retired composer tries to rebuild his life after witnessing his wife and child die in a freak auto accident; after moving into a renovated, historical mansion, he is drawn into the 70-year-old murder of a child which took place in the attic of his new residence. Solid scare-story with slamming doors and banging pipes. The obvious question comes up soon enough (though not with any of the characters on-screen): why would one man want to lease such a large estate, full of rooms he would never have any need of using? Plot-holes aside, as well as the brackish cinematography, there are many good scenes here, particularly an intense séance (and its aftermath) and the digging up of human remains in a nearby house. In the lead, George C. Scott keeps a calm head throughout; he doesn't exude much of his personality with this role, but he acquits himself well with the spooky goings-on. As a paranoid politician who figures in the mystery, Melvyn Douglas has even less to work with than Scott. However, when these two splendid actors face off it makes for grand entertainment indeed. **1/2 from ****
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