Meaninglessly titled Lon Chaney vehicle
4 July 2010
A detective is on the pursuit of a jewel thief somewhere in the Far East. This very short movie moves at a snail's pace and in truth does not provide very much entertainment. Lon Chaney plays two separate roles here, as the aforementioned detective and a drunken thug. In all honesty, neither character is terribly interesting. Neither is the plot-line either. It's all very lethargic and poorly presented. It was obviously shot on a low budget but that's not really much of an excuse for something so tedious. The title of the movie is entirely meaningless too - I guess it was designed to make it sound like a horror film, and the Chaney name would help sell it. But there are no thrills in this one sadly. The star of the show was probably the lippy parrot that lived in the bar. That of course is strictly faint praise.
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