Snakehead Terror (2004 TV Movie)
A real shocker and in a bad way
9 July 2010
Now I don't mind B movies, there have been plenty that is have been critical failures yet I liked, even with their flaws. Snakehead Terror is a real shocker and not in a good way, in fact it is a "so bad, it's bad" sort of movie.

So what did I hate about Snakehead Terror? Let's see shall we?

1) An awful script, with lines so bad they bring unintentional humour at their own stupidity. - check

2) A poorly structured and completely predictable story that holds no surprises and is poorly resolved, as the climax like the script is so insane it's funny. Liked the premise but was executed awfully. - check

3) Some terrible acting, either by those who can't act for toffee or those who try so hard their talents are wasted. Bruce Boxleitner was the sole bright spot - check

4) Every cliché and rip off in the book. Monster, child in peril, sheriff, obnoxious teenagers and a love interest. - check

5) Poorly designed monster that is not intelligent but instead rather dumb, with a laughable means of opportunity. - check

6) None of the characters are remotely likable and do things that are both illogical and silly. - check

7) Sloppy direction.- check

8) The visuals are nothing special really. Scenery is okay, camera work is not. -check

9) Poor pacing with very long drawn out scenes that make you reach for the fast forward button. -check

10) Complete overkill of supermodel jokes. -check

11) Pretty awful CGI and the gore was suitably gory but overdone. -check

12) Geographical errors such as the Alleghany Mountains being the only mountains in the state, and doesn't have a snow capped mountain, unlike the one in the film.- check

So overall, as others have put it hysterically awful, yet it is something I "kind of" recommend. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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