19 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is a low budget piece of trash that was made as a throwback to the sleazy drive in movies of the 70's. It isn't big on story--the plot is pretty simple. What it does very well, however, is recreate the feel of those cheap, scuzzy exploitation films. It has atmosphere to spare.

Two girls are going door to door to sell Catholic supplies to raise money for their school. They knock on the wrong door and become captives of a depraved group of fiends. Sound familiar? The first half of this movie is the same as the first half of Last Door On The Left, and the second half is like the second part of I Spit On Your Grave. So why is this worth seeing? Why not just watch the originals? For me, the best reason was the soundtrack. The songs are good enough to stand alone, but really add to the mood when played in context. Also, I liked how scuzzy the kidnappers were. In every scene they're shown, they're doing sick, depraved things. It's just "over the top" enough to keep things interesting. The girl who plays Marla is especially scuzzy--she goes after anything that moves, and has no regard for life, even her own.

I would recommend this for anyone who likes low budget exploitation films and who has an idea what to expect from the genre. Folks looking for a tight script or inspired performances needn't bother.
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