180° South (2010)
Beautiful Footage...
3 August 2010
...but ultimately an empty ride. The hero (Jeff Johnson) seems like a nice enough guy but his choice in idols leaves something to be desired. I got the feeling he is a little confused and possibly being used by those idols (Yvonne Chouinard and Doug Tomkins) to further their agenda.

The portrayal of the people Jeff meets along the way are shallow and one dimensional. For example, there is a moment in the film while sailing south that Jeff and his shipmates have to repair their boat. The solution is ingenious but the film never goes into any detail about who's idea it was and how it was executed. The captain of the boat is clearly an experienced seaman but you have to assume that since you never hear from him directly. At the end of the movie I never got the sense Jeff discovered any new questions to ask and that all the answers he received he already knew. That he discovered anything new about himself or the world during this journey is debatable.
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