I would have been perfectly comfortable watching it with a bunch of dudes
4 September 2010
In Going the Distance, Garrett (Justin Long) and Erin (Drew Barrymore) meet while arguing over a lost game of Centipede. Video games turn into beer bottles. Beer bottles turn into bongs. Bongs turn into sex. Their apparent one night stand turns into 6 incredible weeks. Unfortunately, 6 is all they have. Erin's internship at the New York Chronicle is over and she's headed back to San Francisco. Unwilling to call it quits, Garrett suggests that they have a long distance relationship to hold on to what they believe is a good thing.

Easier said than done, but the title says it all. They really do go the distance: They talk daily on the phone, they open Christmas presents via video chat online, and they even have phone sex. Unfortunately, nothing beats the real thing. Even with a few plane rides every now and then, seeing each other every 3 months starts to wear them down emotionally. When times get tough, Erin leans on a handsome coworker with a European accent. Garrett has his roommate Dan (Charlie Day) to give him pep talks while on the toilet - under an "open door policy" - and Box (Jason Sudeikis) who's trying to bang 50+ year old women and transport them back in time with his 70's porn star mustache. Like I said - easier said than done.

Long distance relationships are nothing new in the realm of chick flicks. The story is certainly predictable and trite, but I was slapping my knee and not my forehead. Going the Distance is heavy on the comedy, so it makes for great entertainment. And even better, it's rated R! That means foul language, partial nudity (albeit male) and outrageously memorable conversations.

TSA Officer: You can't park your car here.

Garrett: I just need 2 minutes. I need to talk to a girl who's leaving.

TSA Officer: You're really chasing love?

Garrett: Yes.

TSA Officer: She got a nice ass?

Garrett: Like the wind.

TSA Officer: What the hell does that mean?

I would have been perfectly comfortable watching it with a bunch of dudes. In fact, ladies looking for a nice wholesome chick flick this weekend - stay away! If you liked 40-Year-Old Virgin or Knocked Up, Going the Distance won't disappoint. It's a chick flick a la Judd Apatow.


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