Utterly boring and shockingly liked...the hardest review I've ever written
4 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I've said it before and I'll say it again...I adore Clint Eastwood. I am more than a fan of all his work, I idolize the man. This love came late in my life when I stumbled on The Good, The Bad and The Ugly so I am just now watching all of his classic and not so classic films. As much as I love him there is no doubt he has had downs with his ups. I've also disagreed with fellow reviewers before...I thought the so called 'classic' Where Eagles Dare was one of the most boring films I ever sat through. Some of the things said about Coogan's Bluff literally blew my mind. Any comparison to Dirty Harry is just about obscure as they come. This film doesn't even touch Dirty Harry. Eastwood's Coogan is nothing short of a near 'wussy' compared to Harry. Calling this a 'solid action thriller' is the most ludicrous three words I can think of for a film that I very nearly turned off, let alone stayed awake through. Action in tiny implements finally breaks out in the last half hour but even that isn't interesting enough because you've become so bored by the story and characters. Some reviewers did say the 'fish out of water' jokes get old quick but I didn't even see enough of that. The concept of the typical cowboy coming to big city is completely lost on this story.

Clint Eastwood has had one of the most diverse and remarkable careers in Hollywood. His screen presence is legendary and his westerns are without a doubt the finest pieces of genre ever made. His character 'Coogan' is determined and full of spunk, there is no doubt about that. But the womanizing is ridiculous and done in such a campy and silly way. When he finally gets down to truly catching his bad guy he already seems so soft and the last thing in the universe Eastwood should ever be is soft. Coogan is probably his worst character ever created. Susan Clark gives one of the more redeemable performances as tough on the outside cop Julie and the main object of Eastwood's desire. She is a strong female character until Coogan opens up the sexual can of worms and then she swoons like a 12 year old at a Justin Beiber concert. Tisha Sterling plays another Coogan conquest only this time he seduces her to find his man. Sterling is good in her role however I think she really pushes the envelope of over acting. The one big comparison I can make from Coogan's Bluff to Dirty Harry is that Coogan's criminal played by Don Stroud reminds me in many ways of Dirty Harry's Scorpio (played later by Andrew Robinson.) Only Stroud's criminal is not nearly as maniacal or interesting and has zero chemistry between him and Eastwood.

I don't watch a ton of pre-80's films so maybe expectations are far lower for older films. I mean one reviewer called this "A good, exciting action picture" and my jaw literally hit the floor. I was so near bored during this picture it blows my mind. Yes there is one well done motorcycle chase scene and it did nothing to raise the merit of this film. I have to say now and probably again before this review is over how shocked I was by how boring this film truly was. I'm not someone who needs constant action by any means but the characters were so poorly done and the story was so thin that it could have been over in fifteen minutes and there lies the problem. There is so much silly filler in this film when there is just no reason for it. Legendary director and Clint Eastwood's mentor Don Siegel helms the film and I'm just amazed at how little he does with the plot. And considering you've got a Cowboy deputy coming to the most famous big city in the world (New York) there is little to no using the backdrop of New York like he did with San Francisco in Dirty Harry. I have to shun Coogan's Bluff from my Eastwood collection and go watch some true Eastwood classics to get my love for him back because this one simply bored me to death. I encourage every one of you reading this to go watch it right now...and try and tell me what a rip roaring action thriller this is. Sorry Mr. Eastwood...I love you deeply but Coogan's Bluff stinks. 3/10
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