Love Me Deadly
8 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Weirdo Lindsay Finch(Mary Charlotte Wilcox), with serious "daddy issues", is sexually impotent due to a past trauma involving the death of her father. Lindsay is a "funeral nut" who is obsessed with attending services for the dead, particularly of those men who resemble her father. Alex Martin(Lyle Waggoner, who favors Rock Hudson)is an art dealer who falls in love with Lindsay after seeing her in a funeral for his father. Martin and Lindsay eventually court and marry but he is frustrated that she won't put out. Lindsay soon becomes involved with a bizarre necrophilia cult led by mortician Fred McSweeney(a creepy Timothy Scott)using his funeral home as the place where their sex rituals take place. A friend of Lindsay's, Wade Farrow(Christopher Stone, future husband of scream queen Dee Wallace), who had an interest in her at one point, follows her to the funeral home, becoming one of many victims at the hand of Fred and his followers.

I imagine many will find LOVE ME DEADLY somewhat interesting as it touches on necrophilia, a taboo subject, and one wonders if there was even some incest hinted at between Lindsay as a little girl and her father. I doubt the incest, but it's easy to see that Lindsay worshiped her pops and his presence has never left her. She must visit his grave site almost every day, and is compelled to eventually "molest the dead", something that may conclude that there was a sexual component alive between Lindsay and her dad. I guess that's for the viewer to decide. All I know is that she approaches bodies prepared by Fred for her and each time she's about to take to the corpse, someone interrupts. It's a disturbing aspect which might repulse some. But, most of the time, I was bored out of my mind, as the filmmakers insist on long musical interludes overlapping time spent together between Lindsay and Alex, or Lindsay and Wade; you know picnics, walking the streets, hand in hand, all smiles, warm and fuzzy. Soon Wade picks up another girl(he's a bit of a player), with Alex and Lindsay continuing their blossoming romance. From start to finish, Lindsay is shown to have a few screws loose, never stable, always drawn to dead men who carry a resemblance to her father. Fred just makes things worse by offering her a room with those men, inciting her desires, inviting Lindsay to follow her compulsions to fruition.
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