A Joke. It Has To Be
12 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I… I am confused… Am I even watching an Elm Street movie anymore? This cannot be an Elm Street movie. This feels more like a spoof of an Elm Street movie. A bad spoof. The Final Nightmare, bullshit. This is Freddy Movie 6.

How bad is Freddy's Dead? It's a joke. The whole movie is a joke. It has to be. And it's just plain pathetic, too. I mean, it's so bad, even the puns are stupid ("Nice hearing from you, Carlos!" give me a break). I can't even start talking about the lack of characterization or bad dialogue. That's a little like saying "Yeah, the Titanic did have a bad paint job, didn't it?" Watching this film was a strange experience. You know how some people will complain that their favorite book was turned into a movie that left out all the good parts and they felt like the film was in fast-forward? That's what Freddy's Dead feels like. Like the film is in fast-forward. The story goes from event to event so fast that I don't even have time to digest what had just happened. And I have no idea what's going on in the story anyway. It lacks any kind of coherence and flow.

It's just so over the top and goofy that I could not take much of this movie seriously at all. Was I suppose to? There is a scene in the movie in which Freddy kills a character by scratching his nails on a chalkboard. The kid's head promptly explodes. In a scene shortly thereafter, Freddy is controlling a kid by using a video game. The kid is bouncing around in reality, complete with BOING! BOING! sound effects. That absolutely cannot be meant to be taken seriously.

So, does Freddy's Dead have any redeeming qualities? Believe it or not, yes. Some of the goofy stuff going on actually gets a couple laughs. Not a ton, but enough to make those scenes tolerable. Also, I will say that the acting is, in fact, an upgrade from the previous two movies. Even Robert Englund is a little better here than last time.

But that's it. The movie as a whole is borderline unwatchable. Lack of intelligence and general logic makes most of this film unbearable. Oh, and something else that bugged me. A bunch of films that came out in the late 80s and early 90s tried the 3D gimmick. And in a lot of films that tried it back then, most of the 3D revolved around random objects being pointed straight at the camera. It happened here too. And it was really annoying. It does not look cool. And here's something that was the dumbest part of the 3D gimmick: in the film, a character actually put on and took off magical 3D glasses to let the audience know when to wear the glasses and take them off. I wish I was making that up. That was as low as Freddy has gotten right there.

Freddy's Dead is a mess. This could very well be the worst Elm Street movie. The visuals look bad, the screenplay is beyond idiotic, the characters are stupid, there is no directing style, it's overly goofy, and its best attribute is its incredibly mediocre acting. Freddy's Dead is a nightmare in itself. It is just plain painful.

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