Unfunny and boring
19 September 2010
This film reminded me of a George Romero zombie movie, no not the good old ones I mean the crappy modern ones where he tries to shoehorn in some political commentary and it just doesn't work. Billed as a political zombie comedy it fails on all three levels.

Politics? Well, it mentions politics but has nothing to say about it really. It's just there.

Zombies? This isn't too bad, there's some good scenes of zombie action but they are spaced too far apart and the gaps are filled with boring scenes.

Comedy? It's just not funny, at all. It thinks it is, but it isn't.

I wouldn't waste your time, nothing happens for 30 minutes and the zombie bits are only slightly better than a cheap 80's Italian zombie flick. Rent one of those instead it's got more laughs (unintentional) and will probably have a lot more action. None of the characters have stories that lead anywhere which must surely be indicative of one hell of a crappy piece of fiction to even the least discerning viewer.
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