My Vote - The Best Japanese Anime Film Of 1997. An Epic Story.
23 September 2010
The Japanese are the best animators in the world and this anime film proves it.

Rurôni Kenshin: Ishin shishi e no Requiem (1997)starts back in the days of the Meji revolution when Kenshin was the feared Hitokiri Battōsai.

Hitokiri Battōsai kills in battle a samurai called Takatsuki Gentatsu. Takatsuki's death is witnessed by his comrade Shigure Takimi.

The film then shifts to the year is 1879, and Japan is finally at peace, starting to modernize, and has opened its borders to the outside world.

Miss Kaoru, Kenshin, Sanosuke and Yahiko arrive at Yokohama by train for a sight-seeing tour.

There they witness a fight between some European sailors and a man called Shigure Takimi. Kenshin helps Shigure fight off the sailors. Later Kenshin and Shigure acquaint themselves.

Shigure Takimi has secretly sworn to avenge his fallen comrade by a Restoration movement to overthrow the current Japanese Government, and he has amassed some weapons and recruits for that purpose.

Toki who is the sister of the slain Takatsuki Gentatsu is deeply in love with Shigure Takimi. When things begin to get out of Toki's hands she reaches out to seek Kenshin's help. Kenshin promises to unite Toki and Shigure, but will that promise be fulfilled?

Watch this exciting film to find out.

Note: this anime contains scenes of violence so I do not recommend this film for children and persons under the age of 18.
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