Bloodlust (1976)
Disturbing classic that deserves a lot more recognition
24 September 2010
"Mosquito" is one of the most original horror films from the seventies. Quite possibly the most disturbing romantic horror film you'll come across from this period.

Loosely based on a real case, this film deals with a traumatized young man (Werner Pochath), who in his childhood became deaf and dumb after having been beaten by his own father. Excluded from close human contact, he seeks company in the local graveyard. Still, he has secret feelings for the girl (Birgit Zamulo) next door, who also seems to live inside her own different world.

With gorgeous photography, an "out of this world" soundtrack by maestro Dafydd Llywelyn, and exceptional acting by Werner Pochath - this is a film to remember. Still, we need a better commercial release of it, than what's out on the market (the German DVD was OK, but could have been a lot better, and it's out of print anyway).
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