It's okay, but I only saw an extremely truncated version.
29 September 2010
IMDb shows this film as having a running time of 65 minutes, yet the link to watch or download the film is for a copy only 47 minutes in length. Considering B-movies generally ran from 58-70 minutes, I assume that the version I saw is not the original. It was truncated to fit on television--I know this because the original titles are gone and one for Motion Pictures For Television, Inc. has inserted a new one. Distributing companies like this often bought up cheap films and hacked them to pieces and then sold them to television. Because of this, my review must be taken with this in mind--perhaps the longer version is a bit better.

This film is a low-budget story about crooks who cheat unsuspecting gamblers by selling them fake lottery tickets. The problem comes to the attention of a young go-getter--a postal inspector who had been inexplicably suspended from his job. Now, if he digs deeper and uncovers this racket, perhaps he can get reinstated. One serious problem standing in his way is his girlfriend's drunk father--as he IS an annoying idiot and might just jeopardize the young man's investigation.

Overall, the story isn't bad, but the character of the old man is too colorful--too much of a caricature to be realistic. Plus, I was just kind of hoping one of the crooks would kill him--after all, they sure wanted to! The acting, writing and direction were all adequate and what you might expect from an average to slightly below average B-movie and nothing more.
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