No need to bother asking
6 October 2010
Johnny (George Raft) and Lucille (Dolores Costello Barrymore) run an up-market casino but Johnny's pals don't like this world. They prefer the sleazy, down-market joints that Johnny operated beforehand. They hire Gert (Ida Lupino) and Dictionary (Reginald Owen) to sabotage Johhny's feelings towards Lucille and bring him back closer to his pals and to the lower end of the market. Things don't go as planned.

The first thing that should be said about this film is that the picture and sound quality are poor. As a film, it's alright. It's interesting to see Ida Lupino in a comedy role and she does well. Johnny's 3 henchmen with ridiculous names are the standard thick, buffoon-types and are included to provide humour. They're just not ever very funny. No-one is really. Dolores Costello Barrymore also has a stupid name but that has nothing to do with the film. In fact, after a poor start, her character of "Lucille" comes off best in the film. George Raft is OK in the lead and the whole experience is just lightweight nonsense. There are no stand-out scenes....it just chugs along.

Because of the film's poor quality, it's quite an easy film to abandon. Or you may fall asleep.......I did on two separate viewings. This film took me three goes! However, that might be because I kept trying to watch it after a satisfying meal.
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