Tell No One (2006)
Suffer through it - then enjoy on second viewing - a thriller dilemma - only minor spoiler
8 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this with my wife and she gave up after the first half hour, she was so confused. I was too but I sat it out, later researched all the reviews, discussions and movie spoiler, then saw it again. It is really excellent, enjoyable - after you are aware of all the wrinkles. Maybe this is only me but I have found this problem with many films including the Argentine "The Secret in your Eyes" which earned the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Movie. I wonder whether cinematographers could find it in their hearts to make concessions to some of us who are not so diligent and attentive and clarify some things for us early enough to better follow the action. Give an example: the Kristin Scott Thomas character, which I confess I missed in the blurry initial scene, when she later appeared looked like some possible romantic interest of the main character - little could I identify her as his sister's lesbian partner!
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