cheap FX
17 October 2010
First of all, if you see this title then just don't pick it up if you think that you have found the 1978 version. This isn't really a remake but it takes place like the original one in a hospital. What we have here is a kind of SF horror flick but with a sauce of eroticism. Does it work, in some ways yes, there are some boobs in it, but it doesn't go any further (the 1978 was XXX). Is it frightening, no, it's one for the teenagers out there who's eyes will fall open by the boobs shown. We never see the monster, just some dildo kind one coming out of the girls mouth. The only out of space thing you will have is an alien's hand. The alien itself makes some kind of web but what we have is faces and people in those web, easy to see that the web was made of some snow spray for Christmas decoration. So it's in fact a bit cheesy and that's how you have to watch this flick. When killing the virus contained persons the effects used are very simple. It's low budget but somehow I kept entertained by it, would recommend it to teenagers.
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