Review of Jeremiah

Jeremiah (2002–2004)
A Strong Post Apocalypse Drama
19 November 2010
Jeremiah is an American and Canadian funded television show, set in the USA and follows the tale of an end of the world scenario. The main cast are survivors of such an disaster, as they fight to survive. Luke Perry is quite an actor in this show, and really gives a great endearing performance. There is also quite a varied Canadian cast to the show also, who really stand out and who portray their characters well. The premise is quite an original one, due to the fact the genre of post-apocalypse fiction and drama isn't really a big one. The characters draw you in, with their back stories before the disaster and you feel for their struggle to survive. If you are a fan of Jericho, BBC's Survivors, The Tribe or even The Walking Dead then Jeremiah is a great addition.
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