Money no safe here! Chop! Chop! take to other place!
2 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Forbidden and eventually tragic love affair between the beautiful American missionary Magen Davis, Barbara Stanwych, and the brutal bandit General Yen, Nils Asther, that wasn't meant, according to the popular opinions of that time, to be yet still against all odds happened!

Magen going to war-torn China to work with her fiancée Dr. Robert "Bob"Strike, Gavin Gordon, in Shanghai is separated from him during a pitched gun battle between General Yen's man and those rebel forces out to get him. Finding herself in General Yen's magnificent summer palace Magen is shocked to find out that the General is having around the clock executions of the enemy prisoner that his men had captured. This the General tells Magen is because it's better for them, those gunned down, to be shot then starve to death because of lack of rice or food supplies in the province that he's the Lord and Master of.

In no time at all the General makes a play for Magen only to have her reject him because of his non-Christian values. Not taking no for an answer the General keeps on pushing in order to get Magen to be his woman even though her values are the exact opposite of his. It's when the General has his unfaithful concubine the beautiful Mah-Li, Toshia Morti, slated to be executed for treason that Magen reluctantly gives into his demands and offers herself up as insurance to keep Mah-Li from being shot at sunrise. It's in fact the very ungrateful Mah-Li who together with her boyfriend the General's right-hand man Captain Li, Richard Loo, who gets the very naive Magen to send important information to the General's enemies in where he's been keeping the money, 6 million in gold coins, to pay off his men. This leads to the Chinese rebels to attack the General's secret money train and run off with the cash that leads all his solders to desert him and leave him open to a major rebel assault on his summer palace!

***SPOILERS*** With nowhere to go and even his most faithful servants deserting him the General finally sees the light in what Magen had been trying to open his eyes to the entire time she was with him in is palace! That being the low life and murderous swine that he is doesn't make people like him at all. In fact it will make them turn on him the first chance that they get and send him back to join his ancestors in the other world! With a very Chistian and forgiving Magen now finally at his side, when everyone else deserted him, the General does the only right and proper thing left to him to do. The now seeing the light General checks out for good with a sip, that's all it took, of the witches brew that he cooked up for himself! As for Magen she together with the General's American financial adviser Jones, Walter Connolly, sails back to the safety of the European colony of Shanghai knowing that the General is in a far better place, by repenting his sins, then what was is store for him if his enemies ever got a hold of him!

P.S The film "The Bitter Tea of General Yen" was the very first film to be premiered at the then brand new and spacious Radio City Msic Hall back in January 1933. It also made a lot of people unhappy especially Orientals in how it directed Chinese values in that life was the cheapest thing in that country. It also outraged many Americans and Europeans in having an interracial affair between an uncivilized Oriental tyrant and white Christian woman which had the film put on the shelf, shortly after its release to the public, for more then 50 years. It wasn't until the 1980's that it was finally made available to the public on video tape, with some scenes cut out, when its message was no longer all that controversial.
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