Smoldering sex-o-drama
11 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Alexis Smith, wife of busy psychiatrist-psychoanalyst-psychotherapist Alexander Knox is sexually frustrated because she is a hot, steamy 33 year old and he's older, and not hot. One day, hubby brings home a young thug, Dirk Bogarde, to rehabilitate who is also hot & steamy and immediately you know the two are going to make steamy together, which of course they do after riding horses and getting all steamed up.

Much scenery chewing and steaming later, hubby makes a breakthrough with Dirk regarding mommy, daddy & step-mommy issues and Dirk feels so guilty about steaming it up with his wife that he tells her it's through..over..finished..kaput and leaves the house to start out a new improved life of his own. Well, Alexis ain't taking this sitting down so she jumps in her car, gets him to climb in. Hubby gives chase in his car and several sharp curves and speedometers later, Alexis crashes thru a fence and over an embankment, the car turns over, it's wheels dramatically spinning and Alexis, the wife, is dead Dirk however is alive and the camera pans to the hole in the fence where they crashed thru. Above the hole is a huge poster of a leaping tiger. Ah hah. The movie title of course is Sleeping Tiger and it ends with a leaping tiger. Get it? The tiger! Wow. The End. I liked this movie because it was 50's black and white British and simple, predictable & plausible. Interesting Dirk is suppose to be younger than Alexis and he does look kid like and she is sort of matronly older looking but according to IMDb he was actually 3 months younger than she. I'm gonna give it six points cause it didn't bore me.
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