The Fat Hornet
13 January 2011
Superhero as jackass. Hollywood is so closed, so... "insider" these days its movies have a generic, dreary sameness. They're also substandard from cinema product we're accustomed to. There was a time Hollywood film had vitality and power - the age of film noir, the '20s when directors moved film away from three or four reels of melodrama to blockbuster. The '70s small-budget masterpieces...

For movies like this, the film industry should open its doors to ex-soldiers, former FBI agents - anyone who has real experience with danger and grace under pressure. It's impossible to become involved in throwaway "heroics" by a paunchy frat-house dope, produce of affluence and nepotism.

Other reviewers here have noted the "Hornet's" misogyny and sloth. What more can we expect from Hollywood today? It films what it knows.
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