Revealed: Britain's Nazi King (2009)
Season 8, Episode 4
Whose majesty?
26 January 2011
It's long been speculated that Edward was both Nazi sympathizer and anti-Semite. What we have here is little more than what's been offered in the past - gossip, innuendo and speculation. This applies especially to FBI files that form so much "proof" in this weak case. It's not hard to believe much of this material was produced by lackey agents, relying on hearsay keyed to please the agency's director, noted Anglophobe Herbert Hoover.

Being a sympathizer of any kind is not the same as being a traitor and spy; this documentary wildly oversteps its bounds with implied allegation the ex-king and his wife were Quislings nesting in one resort after another while stabbing their countrymen in the back. The key link would be alleged correspondence between Wallis Simpson and Nazi foreign minister von Ribbentrop. Where is it? Where is any REAL evidence? So much of the show's assertions are framed as "many believe" and "there is speculation...". This is hogwash approach to proving any charge, standard method for all specious conspiracy theories. Many believe chupacabras leap onto goats by night to suck their blood! Do you? National Geographic channel should be ashamed of itself.
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