Kinda entertaining but ultimately dull video nasty
2 February 2011
On my mission to watch all the video nasties I realised most would be pretty poor, so I did not expect much going into this, especially with the title Cannibal Apocalypse. I was excited, however, because I thought it might deliver some gruesome gut-munching and hilariously cheap production values. However, despite some cool moments, John Saxon and a story with a lot of potential the movie is kind of boring with not a lot actually happening. The basic story follows Norman Hopper (John Saxon) a Vietnam vet who has recurring nightmares about his time in Vietnam, in particular being bitten by one of two POWs who have turned to human flesh for a food source. Back in Atlanta, Charlie Bukowski (video nasty regular Giovanni Lombardo Radice) has been released from a psychiatric clinic after intense therapy, but soon resorts to his old ways, which leads Norman, Charlie and Tom (Tony King) on a trek through the city infecting people along the way.

I actually think this is a really good story, and seems to touch on how the Vietnam war affected all those involved; unfortunately director and writer Antonio Margheriti never expands upon this (nor did I really expect him to, but it would have been nice) leaving a story of cannibals on the loose. At this point you would be asking, why complain about cannibals in a movie called Cannibal Apocalypse? My main qualm is the distinct lack of gore. What was present was good and suitably gross, especially the tongue biting and eye gouging, but these scenes were to few and far in between. Maybe I'm hardened from all the other horror films I've seen, but I found this one fairly un-nasty.

Cannibal Apocalypse is not a terrible movie by any stretch of the imagination, the acting and direction are all fine (the department store and sewer scenes are two stand-outs) and the special effects are effective when present. It really boils down to the fact the story is just boring, with not a whole lot happening, and when it does happen it's nothing outstanding enough to make up for the boredom. The score is unsuited, especially the disco music during the Vietnam war scenes.

Overall the movie deserves nothing more than a 2/5
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