Mail-chute tension
4 February 2011
Millie (Kim Hunter) travels to New York to meet with her husband Paul (Dean Jagger). However, he does not show up for a while and when he eventually does, he seems to mysteriously keep disappearing again. Millie's ex-lover, Fred (Robert Mitchum) is also in town and he keeps a look-out over Millie as she tries to discover who the man is that she has married. She had only met Paul 3 times before they tied the knot. Fools! Playing alongside this mystery is the police investigation of the "silk stocking murder" in which a very annoying Sam Prescott (Dick Elliott) had been rightfully murdered in his hotel room. Can the police get their man and can Millie find happiness?

The film moves at a swift pace and contains some nice shots and good atmosphere, eg, the Harlem club that Paul and Millie slip into while on the run together. There are a few liberties that are taken with the plot, eg, the cab driver who suspects Paul of being the "silk stocking murderer". Why would he think that when there is such a vague description of the killer that is released to the public (he's a tall man)? We watch to discover the identity of the killer and we are sold a couple of red herrings along the way.

The acting is alright, nothing great but Mitchum's acting loses it completely in the scene by the mail-chute. Watch out for an appearance by Rhonda Fleming at the film's ending where the cycle seems to be starting all over again.
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