Nothing special but it's definitely watchable.
7 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
(I apologize in advance for not noting the names of the characters and their respective actors. It's been a few days and there really wasn't anyone in this movie that had a great performance or had done much else I've seen in the past)

I don't expect much from movies like this. Movies are so hit and miss nowadays it's hard to expect a lot from a comedy with a not so original premise and not much fanfare. Not that a movie needs to be hyped to be good (far from it) but I think you know what I mean.

This movie fills the minimum quota of laughs and they're spread out pretty evenly throughout the film. It's somewhat juvenile but that should be expected going in. Regardless if you feel you're above that don't bother. The rest of the movie is fine it's just not very original.

The answer to why this girl is going out of her way for the main character isn't really convincing. She's dated attractive meatheads her whole life and wants to go in the complete opposite direction. Okay that's cliché but I can accept that. The thing is there's pretty much zero chemistry between the two characters and no realistic arc of them getting together. She just picks him because he's not a gorgeous narcissist and that's it. She admits as much later on but it still doesn't explain why she puts up with so many strange things his family puts her through or his particularly unusual lack of self-esteem. I mean near the end of the movie it seems like it's been months since they started dating and for some reason he still can't believe she likes him and still isn't comfortable being around her. That's very hard for the viewer to believe and if he really was THAT devoid of self-esteem there's no way she would have ever even taken a shot at going out with him. I know it's just a comedy but a little believability on the part of the actors would have been nice. You get what you pay for in this case I suppose.

The only other complaint I had was that the ending was not only a cliché that's been done a thousand times but that it was drug out for far too long. At least make it quick if you're going to make us sit through something we've seen a bunch of times before.

The movie made me laugh and I was glad I watched it once. That's a success in my book. I just think with a little more polish it would have been a smoother ride.

One minor note: One reason I wanted to see this is because I'm a native Pittsburgher and a big Penguin fan. I was a little disappointed they just made up player names like Reese and Fox. I mean come on: They got a bunch of Penguins to appear in that Van Damme movie Sudden Death. It would've been nice for them to get just one player, even a nobody, for the sake of a little authenticity. Very minor complaint though obviously. I have actually been to the Brillo Box, the place where the party near the end is held. I don't believe the inside is the same place. The actual place is much, much smaller.
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